Focused Training

We offer a selection of classes that focus on particular areas of training

These classes give you and your dog the chance to concentrate on specific training issues such as recall, loose lead walking, polite greetings, ending the treats and plenty more. None of my solutions, exercises, or tools uses aversive or punishment methods, they are fear-free, positive and scientifically proven.

Recall training

Get a super speedy recall with this course. It will teach you how to be where your dog wants to return to, in exciting and distracting environments. Working on your dog’s personality and breed, for us, not against us.

Do you want a dog that turns in an instant and comes speeding back to you when you call? Maybe you just want them to disengage from other dogs when playing, or perhaps you’re not confident letting your dog off the lead due to past behaviour. This course will help you. We will build on your recall cue and how to reward. A piece of kibble isn’t going to cut it whilst your dog is in full play mode. A whole roast chicken straight from the oven may not even get a nose twitch! I have the solutions for you.

2024 Recall Classes

Thursday 18th April - 23rd May
Melbury Abbas and Cann

Monday 3rd June - 8th July, 8-9pm Dinton

Each lesson is 1 hour long.
Each course is 6 weeks long.
Cost: £95

Good manners training

Live in harmony with your dog. This course works on stopping behaviours such as jumping up, barking, stealing and fence running. When you understand why your dog chooses these behaviours you can train them to change.

This course teaches you how to change your dog’s behaviours from devil to angel. Can your dog meet visitors without going crazy? Does your dog jump up at everyone they meet? Do they bark at the window or doorbell? Do you wish you didn’t have to keep an eye on all unattended food in the house? This course will give you solutions and through training teach your dog how to be calm and give you attention rather than go crazy. It will teach them that when the doorbell goes they run to bed rather than at the door, by using their bed as a boundary, teaching them how to be relaxed when visitors arrive. Learning how to stop that steeling by teaching them how to cope with arousal and have self-control. This course will show you how to train alternative behaviour solutions for your dogs bad manners.

2024 Good Manners Classes
Thursday 13th June - 18th July, 7.30-8.30pm
Melbury Abbas and Cann

Each lesson is 1 hour long.
Each course is 6 weeks long.
Cost: £95

Training walks

These walks take place out in our local environment and are good for practising your loose lead walking skills, focusing on you in arousal and practising your skills. Especially good for dogs that may struggle around other dogs.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dog that doesn’t drag you down the street on every walk? Maybe it’s never bothered you before that your dog pulls a bit, but now life has changed for you and you need them to walk at your side.

Does your dog need extra support when they see other dogs or people? Do they want to play and meet everyone out on their walks, can they be ‘over friendly’? Get training tips on how to manage your dog’s greetings without building frustration in you or your dog.

Getting real time advice on dogs that can find other dogs a struggle is an invaluable experience for owners, the timing of rewards and knowing when your dog needs to move further away or could get closer, having a controlled experience with other dog owners who understand your dog’s struggles helps owners to see what their dog needs without the added pressure of strangers who may not fully understand.

Walks held throughout the summer
Shaftesbury, Win Green and Dinton
Cost: £5

Boundary games have numerous benefits. They promote and develop impulse control. They can help to balance and level out arousal as needed and can even boost motivation and enhance your overall relationship with your dog. They can also decrease arousal and help to promote calmness (yes boundaries can do both)! On a practical level they will help with dogs who counter surf, they can help to prevent jumping up, help to improve recall and generally help to improve all basic behaviour and manners in many different places and habitats.

Absolute dogs 2020

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or queries you may have. I’m here to help.