Wobbly Blog

Tales and interesting information I have sniffed out

The best time to book your puppy into a class
Julia Tonner Julia Tonner

The best time to book your puppy into a class

Please don’t wait until after you have your puppy to research and book into puppy classes.

Many puppies now have had their first vaccination with their breeder, as puppies should be microchipped, before being sold so some breeders do both at once.

The second vaccination is usually within the first four weeks of life with you, some vets will give a full set of vaccinations even though the pup has already had one because they stock different makes of the vaccines and the vet wants to be sure that your puppy is protected.

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Why a dog chooses annoying behaviour such as barking
Julia Tonner Julia Tonner

Why a dog chooses annoying behaviour such as barking

When your dog chooses a behaviour, we need to think about the function of that behaviour. Your dog chooses behaviours to suit their emotional state. Sometimes, a dog will use a behaviour that has previously made them feel better - like helping them gain what they wanted at that time. They then start to use that behaviour each time they have a change of emotion in an effort to feel better or to gain what they are seeking.

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Are classes all I need to socialise my puppy?
Julia Tonner Julia Tonner

Are classes all I need to socialise my puppy?

Socialisation of your puppy is introducing your puppy to a new stimulus, both living and environmental. Puppy classes will guard your dog against a number of behaviour issues and are the training foundations for a long and contented life with your dog.

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Canine enrichment or free work course
Julia Tonner Julia Tonner

Canine enrichment or free work course

Canine enrichment is a fun way to train and tire your dog, when at its best it uses your dogs nose and brains to figure out how it can get the food set up in it.

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