May Class Puppies starting Monday 13th 7pm

IMDT good dog grades every Saturday morning 10am

For all your
dog training wobbles

Wobbly Dog offers dog training classes in and around Shaftesbury, plus one-to-one training consultations and pre-puppy visits.

Hi, I’m Julia, founder of Wobbly Dog Training Services accredited and insured, I am here to help you build the relationship that you and your dog want.

Can you picture what you want from that relationship? Perhaps long walks, cosy nights in, free running on the beach, going to the park and watching the kids play football, strolling around farmers markets and lunch at the pub with a faithful, calm, sociable Fido at your feet. If you’re just starting with a new puppy, struggling with an energetic teen, a new to you rescue or even if you have lost sight of that picture, I CAN HELP.

I love using many different science proven, positive, training concepts, plans and games to find exactly what works for your dog and you to achieve that vision of a dog who behaves how you want them to behave.

I am based on the Wiltshire, West Salisbury, Dorset, Somerset border and cover, Shaftesbury, Tisbury, Warminster, Westbury, Codford, Hindon, Mere, and everywhere in between.

Wobbly Dog Training Classes

Our course of classes are is 6 weeks long and each class is 1 hour.

Puppy Training Classes

Suitable for vaccinated puppies up to 6 months old. This course will build the foundations for you and your puppy to learn and grow a solid relationship together, learning fundamental behaviours from sit, down, wait and drop to what to do when they’re scared, how to get their attention when they’re over-excited to meeting other puppies and learning how to play together.

Focused Training Classes

These classes give you and your dog the chance to concentrate on specific training issues such as recall, loose lead walking, polite greetings, ending the treats, and plenty more.
None of my solutions, exercises, or tools uses aversive or punishment methods, they are fear-free, positive and scientifically proven.

Rescue & Teens Refresher Training

This is a life skills course suitable for anyone whose dog is aged 6 months and above. When dogs hit puberty the hormones start to kick in, it’s all so exciting and getting them to pay attention can feel impossible. Maybe your dog is older and needs a training top-up? Or perhaps you’ve decided to sort that training issue for good now that they are no longer a puppy or teen.

IMDT Good Dog Grades & Tricks Club

This club is for anyone who’s attended a Wobbly Dog course or has been invited by me. In these classes we build on skills learnt in previous classes. We learn how to phase the treats out, make our duration longer or just geek out on the learning. We’ll also cover introductions to agility and rally obedience. This is a rolling course, with only 6 dogs in each class.

“In positive reinforcement training, the dog is given the opportunity to make decisions and is granted increased control over his environment which has to be associated with improved welfare.”

Laule et al 2003

1-2-1 Package

Your one hour 1-2-1 sessions are tailored to suit you and your dog's needs. The hour-long training sessions are held at your home or in a safe location specified by you within my catchment area.

Cost: 1 hour £90 | 3 x 1 hour £155 | 5 x 1 hour £250


We can cover several smaller training issues or spend our time concentrating on one area. I adjust the training tasks to meet your dog’s abilities and the abilities of the handler, whilst still building training to the highest standard.

Classes are an excellent way to train your dog but sometimes you can find the course curriculum doesn’t quite cover all you want, or you may have just one or two very specific training issues you wish to cover. Maybe classes would be too exciting or worrying for your dog.

Before your first 1-2-1 session, we will have a 30-minute free online or phone consultation to go through your application and build a training plan, so we can begin training from the moment your 121 appointment starts.

After each 1-2-1 session, you will receive a report outlining the issues, exercises and solutions discussed and practiced in the session.

I am based on the Wiltshire, West Salisbury, Dorset, Somerset border and cover, Shaftesbury, Tisbury, Warminster, Westbury, Codford, Hindon, Mere, and everywhere in between.

Wobbly dog offers free support for a whole 12 months from the date of your last session with us, so if you need a reminder of anything we have done or talked about just pop us a line and we will be happy to discuss and advise.

Wobbly Dog training + Julia Tonner + Troublesome Teens + Dorset + Puppy Training + Training for Life

Hi, I’m Julia

I’m the founder of Wobbly Dog Training and I pride myself on running a science-led, positive training business. I understand the science around rewarding and reinforcing behaviours and I give owners strategies to teach their dogs to choose the behaviours they want over the behaviours they don’t. I do this by working with the dog in front of me, adapting to the needs of that particular dog and its owner.

Training doesn’t have to stop at puppy, Wobbly Dog offers classes, workshops and 121s’ that will continue to support and inspire the life you have with your dog for the rest of their lives.

I currently own two dogs, Frodo and Yoda (that’s them in the picture with me), who I take to training sessions with trainers countrywide throughout the year, and weekly closer to home.

Wobbly Dog classes are held in Dinton village hall plus Melbury Abbas and Cann village hall

Introducing some of Club Wobbly’s latest IMDT grade 1 participants, who all passed with flying colours. We were very lucky to have two IMDT accredited trainers come and assess our skills.

Clients can book into my new Club Wobbly Saturday morning classes.

Julia listened carefully to the challenges I was having with Belle in terms of encouraging her to stay with me and not chase squirrels over the horizon. We worked on keeping her interested in me, high value treats, and tips like ''find it'' and asking her to seek treats on the ground rather than just taking them from my hand. She only uses positive reinforcement and Belle was very comfortable with her throughout - as was I. I would recommend Wobbly Dog for all training needs.

Liz C